Saturday, June 9, 2012

My Supports

In my life I have several different supportive factors. I have my faith and religion, I have my family, my friends, and I also have the support of some of my Colleagues. Each one plays a different role in my life but it is all centered around my faith.  My family loves me unconditionally and will be there for me no matter what. My colleagues support me while I work and during those difficult times when I am on the clock.  My faith and religion keeps me grounded.
There are many benefits to having support. Where it is a person, place, thing, or idea, the support is there no matter what goes on in your daily life. Your support is there to pick you up when you fall, to hold you when you are scared, and to wipe away all your tears when you are upset. The support system is there to celebrate your successes and to help pick you up when you fail.

Without support, I don't know where I would be. Prior to December 16, 2008, my most supportive influence was my mother. Now, I am relying on a memory and prayer. She was always on my side and believed strongly in me not matter what I did or what I was going through. If she felt like I believed in whatever or whoever I was dealing with, she supported me even if she did not completely agree with my choices.  When she died, she took the biggest piece of my heart with her. My family and friends have attempted to fill the void in my life. Through it all my faith has remained strong. Faith in God and the endless support I have received have gotten me through so many rough patches in my life.

At this point in my life, I feel like I still need more support. I am 26 and I still feel somewhat lost. My faith is the only constant thing I have. Can will not change, disappear, or leave me for any reason. It cannot be taken from me or altered to fit the mood of the day.  I need to feel loved, wanted, and needed. I have a job in which I am needed, family that loves me, and friends who seem to want to in my presence. I pray every day for my continued strength and support.