Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Relationship Reflection

My Family: my mom, my brother, and me

Relationships are very important to me for multiple reasons. The most important reason is because they define who you are. The people you associate with are the people you can relate with. They are the people who love you, who care about you, and who are there for you when no one else is. 

There are several people in my life that I currently have positive relationships with. Even though my mother is now in Heaven, I still feel like I have a positive relationship with her. I can talk to her when ever I need to and I know I can always rely on her to protect me.  I have a brother, two aunts, and my grandmother who have always been there for me through the good and the bad. I realized after my mother died who I could truly count on. Other than the previously mentioned people, I also have a couple friends who have never turned their backs on me as well as my, now ex, boyfriend's family. It is hard to find people who truly have your best interest at heart. I am so blessed that I have.

 me and my (ex) boyfriend's family

The people I have relationships with each contribute factors that make them positive. All of them help me become a better person. They are there when I'm happy, when I'm mad, and most importantly, when I'm upset or depressed about something.  They put in just as much work and effort as I do to make sure our relationship stays in tact. It is a give and take relationship with all who associate with me.

Over the years I have learned that a relationship will not work if it is one sided. If only one person puts effort into making it work, it will ultimately fail.In order to make it work, you must also have things in common and have some kind of understanding of what your relationship is about. There must be love, trust, honestly, and a sense of belonging.

In the early childhood profession, you must know how to build relationships. It is imperative to build trust with the children you work with, their families, and also with your co-workers.  It is important that the children and parents believe you and feel comfortable with you. If they do not, it makes things more difficult on everyone than it needs to be.

My mom, my grandmother and me at the Black Graduate Ceremony


  1. I agree that relationships are essential to our development and goals. People in our lives play different roles, and the relationships that we establish with them affect how we are able to accomplish goals.

  2. I agree relationship do define who you are as a person and when you take on the field of doing many jobs in the world it requires you to be a people person and know how to build relationship among new people. I love your pictures that you posted!

  3. I agree a relationship will fail if it is onesided. You have described relationships excellent I like how you have maintained a relationship with your ex's family although the two of you didn't work. The relationship you have developed with them is truly genuine and that is hard to find.
