Saturday, August 20, 2011

A word of Thanks

In the beginning, I was really hesitant to begin working on my Masters degree. Between working two jobs and rarely ever have free time but I am so glad that I did. You have all helped me so much along the way from your great blog comments to the insightful discussion responses.  Being a student is extremely hard but having classmates like you have helped me so much. Thank you all for everything and I pray that you all continue to pursue your dreams both professionally and personally as well as educationally.


  1. Kimberly,

    As one of my two choices for recipients of comments I wanted to tell you that you are inspirational to me. Thanks so much for sharing about your mom and your personal life. Your story is inspiring and I'm sure it touched all of those who read it. I too was nervous to start my masters but so far, after this class, I am really excited about what is to come. I also enjoy meeting people online like yourself who I normally would not have met. What a blessing and a truly unique experience we are having! May we all never be the same! Maybe I'll see you in future classes. Take care and good luck!

  2. We share the same unforgiving schedule, however, we also share the same fiery drive to persevere. Keep faith and you'll make it through. People around you are your greatest resource. You've been a point of inspiration and motivation for me when I've wanted to drop this class and go back to my comfort zone (which isn't very comfortable either). I'm sure our paths will cross again. Just keep your eyes on the prize and you'll make it through.

