Saturday, September 10, 2011

Birth Experiences

My story...
My mom told me about the day I was born. She said my great grandfather was was driving her to the hospital and was so nervous that he ended up taking the longest route and went downtown. She said when I was born, I had hair around the sides but none on the side so she thought about naming me after him. Lucky for me, there was already a close family member with the same name.

I remember the day my little cousin was born. It was one of the happiest days of my life.  Although I didn't get to witness his born, I saw him soon after and I knew from the moment I looked into the beautiful brown eyes that that little boy would have my heart from that day on, and I was right. He stole my heart and and has held it tight for the last 11 years.

1 comment:

  1. Child Birth Around the World

    Since I have never witness a birth it is hard for me to compare and contrast childbirth here to birth in other areas.
