Saturday, March 31, 2012

Research Around the world.

I explored the Early Childhood Australia site. It has a lot of great information and is similar to the NEAYC site we have.
Some of the current topics on this sight include, best practice, national quality standards, and the code of ethics. 
I found several facts when I explored this website. I realized they believe in best practices for children just like we do. Most of what I read was identical to things in the United States. For instance, children have right but need someone to speak for them. That is the point of having child advocates. They also believe that play is how children learn. Something else interesting that I found was that their mission is identical to the mission of most early childhood educators: Early Childhood Australia will advocate to ensure quality, social justice and equity in all issues relating to the education and care of children from birth to eight years.
One thing that I found out about this website that I did not know was The Australasian Journal of Early Childhood is currently the world's longest-running major early childhood journal. 


 Early Childhood Australia. Retrieved from  

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Uplifting Story about research

My story is short.  I have had several family members who have been diagnosed with different forms of cancer. My aunt, a couple of my cousins have had breast cancer.  If it had not been for the research done on the different types of cancer drugs and treatments, they probably would not be here today.  Because of the researchers efforts and the brave individuals who allowed the doctors to test those medications on them, I could have lost several of my loved ones. 

Medical research during the times of need is one of the only time that I can truly say that I approve and appreciate of research on children and adults.  God gives us all special gifts, some have the gift of teaching and inspiring and others were placed on this earth to help heal our bodies.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Personal Research Journal

For this assignment, I have chosen to talk about the pay, or lack there of, that most teachers/educators receive.  This topic is near and dear to my heart for several reason but most importantly, because I am barely making ends meet.  I have a degree but am still making less than many fast food workers and janitors. At this point, I feel like I would probably be better off finding another job somewhere else but I love what I do and the people I work with.

I am really interested to know if any of you are dealing with the same issue and what, if anything, you have done about it.