Saturday, October 27, 2012

Professional Hopes and Goals


One hope that I have when I think about working with children and families who come from diverse backgrounds is that they find acceptance wherever they go, especially for the children as they enter school.

One goal I would like to set for the early childhood field related to issue of diversity, equity, and social justice is that more effort gets put into making everyone feel safe, secure, and accepted no matter where they are from. We need to assure everyone who enters our classrooms feel comfortable, welcomed, and accepted.

Thank you to all of my colleagues for taking the time to read my posts. I pray that each of you continue on with your collegiate goals and are successful in everything you do. 



  1. Kimberly,
    I love your blog, it is truly whimsical. I agree that our number one issue is that children feel safe, secure and accepted in the classroom. So many seasoned teachers get too comfortable and take their work for granted; when they need to develop attitudes of life-long learning and encompass a course in diversity. I know I am very proud to have taken a course like this class at this stage in my life.

  2. Dear Kimberly,

    I agree with your goal. In a just world we would all feel safe to be whomever we truly are! Thank you for sharing. I hope we do meet again in another course.

    All the best,
