Saturday, January 26, 2013

Communicating Differently

I don't think I communicate differently with adults from different cultures. I do, however, communicate differently with children. I try to watch my tone and what I say around children. I also communicate differently with people I do not like or trust. It is so hard for me to have a conversation with someone that I either do not like or do not trust. I know I have an attitude but I try to control it and the things I say when I am around certain people. Outside of that, I talk to everyone the same. 

I also talk differently with my family and friends. I guess I open up more with people that I comfortable with. The things I say to my family and close friends, I can not say to children, co-workers, and families I work with. At one point it was hard for me to separate my personal and my business and the conversations but now it is just like an automatic switch that turns off and on depending on where I am and who is around. 


  1. Kimberly,

    Thank you for your honest post. I feel the same way as you when I have to communicate with someone that I do not care for or trust. It is extremely hard for me to mask my emotions because I tend to make very obvious facial expressions and my tone of voice also changes. It is actually something that I work on every day.


  2. Kimberly,

    I have had similar issues with the way I communicate with people. I tend to wear my emotions all over myself :) so if I don't like you, it will be hard for me to be gracious. But like you, the more I do it and am aware of how I am, the easier it is to hide those personal feelings and truly look at the person professionally.

    Good job,
    Cortnee :)
