Saturday, September 21, 2013

Parent, Family, and Community Engagement

The professional and personal significance I drew from these stories is how beneficial we, as educators, are.  Until you hear it from either a parent or family member, or you see it in the progress that the children are making, you may not realize how important this job is.  

Involvement opportunities for parents and family members benefit young children, families, and the early childhood field. When families are involved in a child’s early childhood experience, it makes the child feel more comfortable and it shows them that they are loved and supported. It is also a way to bring the family together.  Last but not least, it benefits the early childhood field because shows support of the experience that we are attempting to give each child and it also gives the families a better understanding of the early childhood field as a whole.

Hearing such stories motivates early childhood professionals, the public, policymakers and government officials to work harder to make the early childhood field a continued success. It also gives more awareness of the field and the good it does.

Parent involvement is an essential system element for all stands of service in the early childhood field. In order for the early childhood field to continue to thrive and continue to be successful, parents and families must be involved in every aspect of the educational process. Without parent involvement, there would be no early childhood field. It takes parents, families, children, teachers, advocates, and the community to make this field a success.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Quality Programs for All Children

In my opinion, there is not enough emphasis  placed on the value and importance of providing quality services for young children and families.  I hope in the near future, people see how important early childhood education really is. We help prepare children for headstart, preschool, and all other educational endeavors. There is not enough funding available to for adequate early childhood programs and there is not enough assistance to help parents pay for quality programs.  I think one of my main concerns is the fact that, in my city at least, early childhood educators are some of the lowest paid. It is hard to find quality educators when the pay is not right. Without qualified teachers, we can not provide the educational needs that need to be met. 

Sunday, September 8, 2013

What Resonates With Me About Early Childhood Public Policy and Advocacy?

Part 1: I chose this specialization because I am currently and Early Childhood Educator and I see children and families who need assistance or atleast someone to speak up for them and I currently don't feel as though I am able to do that. I know that as a teacher there are resources available to me but I want to more knowledgeable on the subject of advocacy.

Part 2: Advocates are essential in the early childhood field because they are the voice for families, children, and those in the field.  Without advocates the needed changes in the field or potential issues would never be brought to the light and changes would never be made. 

Part 3: I hope to learn where to look when I need advice about public policies and advocating. I also want to learn how to be a better advocate for the families and children that I am currently working with. Last but not least, I want learn about professional organization so that I can become more involved in the field of advocating.