Thursday, May 15, 2014

Exploring Roles in the ECE Community: Local and State Levels

Three local or state organizations or communities of practice that appeal to me are; Community Action of Southern Kentucky offers many programs that help better the community such as foster grandparents, senior center, migrant programs, HeadStart, ChildCare, Family enrichment, and family assistance programs. 

The boys and girls club is another organization that appeals to me because they help children get scholarships, gives them a safe place to play, to learn, to do homework and to stay while parents work.

Last, the Junior Achievement appeals to me because I went through the program in elementary school. It gives students a chance to understand all aspects of the business world. I loved it because I wanted to open a business and it gave me the opportunity to learn more about what it would take to be an entrepreneur.

Some job opportunities that appeal to me would be to become a director of a daycare, work at a nursing home or open my own business. I'm not quite sure anymore what kind of business I want to open but I know that I would love to be my own boss and to set my own hours.

Some skills I would need would be knowledge of owning a business and practice as a manager, director, ect. I would also need patience, and passion to do each of these jobs. 

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