Saturday, July 16, 2011

Personal Childhood Web

Mary Watkins: My mother is the reason why I am the woman I have become and I love her for that.  Even after her death, she has inspired me. Not a day goes by when I am not reminded of her. When I was younger, I always seemed to be sick. My mom was always by my side. I remember having my gall bladder removed and the first thing she did was bring me an angel to sit with me while she was away.  Three days before I went into the hospital, she had been hospitalized and been diagnosed with diabetes so she was unable to stay with me like she wanted to. I love my mother with all my heart.

My Mother and Brother at my Graduation: Our last family picture before she passed away three days later.
Myrtle Watkins: My Grandmother has been my rock especially since the passing of my mother.  She has continued to push me to further my education since she was unable to do so. She has always given me all her love, attention, affection, and anything else I could ever want.

                                              My Grandmother and I at my graduation dinner.

Robin Watkins: My aunt has fought for me in ways that many others have not. She was really young when I was born but she has been there to watch me grow. I remember her trying to sneak me into BINGO when I was probably a week away from being 18. It made me mad at the time since they never carded before but now I laugh about it.

                              My aunt, or should I say "my twin"...atleast that's what I've been told.

Marcus Watkins: My brother inspires me every day. He is five years older than me but is still a big kid. There are days when I wish I could be just like him; extremely kindhearted, carefree, and blind to the evils that exist. I truly believe that his inability to see the bad in people has shaped the person that I have become. I see those characteristics that he does not see. I love my brother and would not change anything about him. We fought as kids over small things like watching the living room tv but through it all, we have looked out for each other.

My Brother, my Mom, and me.

My Boyfriend and his family have excepted me into their lives and have treated me like family from the beginning. Without them, I don't know how I would have made it through the loss of my mother and also through some of the other issues I have experienced. I truly believe that God places people in our lives for reasons and their reason was to save my life and to show me what unconditional love feels like.

       Birthday and anniversary celebration with my boyfriend's family. He always looks surprised.

Christmas 2008 with my boyfriend's family. It was a bitter sweet Christmas because I had just buried my mother nine days prior.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I loved reading about your relationship with your mom. It sounds like you truly appreciate her even now when she is not with you any more. That kind of love is beautiful! I wish I had even half the relationship with my mom that you had with yours. I hope you never forget all the wonderful times you spent together!
