Sunday, July 10, 2011

A story that touched my heart.

Friday afternoon, one of my parent came to get her daughter. I have been talking about finding another job because I am struggling financially. The mother looked at me and said, "Please don't leave, at least wait until after Abby's birthday. She really loves you. Matter of fact, she has been singing a song about you all weekend. All we have heard is 'I love Ms. Kim, I love Ms. Kim, I love Ms. Kim.' She has sung this song all day". 

Needless to say, this touched my heart. I never really thought I was making an impression on the kids, yet alone, the parents. I have a few parents who will not leave their children if I am not in the classroom when they come in.

1 comment:

  1. That is so sweet! If the children love you then you are doing a great job. Keep up the good work... indeed teaching though it is not financially rewarding, is able to touch our hearts... which makes it worth doing!
