Saturday, January 21, 2012

Childhood Poverty in Kyrgyzstan

Honestly I did not know that Kyrgyzstan even existed until this assignment. One thing that learned was that 60 percent of its citizen made their living from agriculture.  The poverty level in Kyrgyzstan has lead to approximately 24 percent of the children working in full and part time jobs. The children were doing jobs such as working on family farms and domestic services.  

An estimated 7 percent of children in Kyrgyzstan are malnourished and about 14 percent of them do not have access to health services.

What can we do to help eliminate poverty in the United States and all around the world?


Childhood Poverty and Research Center. Retrieved from


  1. Kimberly,

    I cannot imagine one-quarter of America's children having jobs. We are so fortunate. Did they give statistics as to the ages of the children? I was wondering specifically the eariest age. Do you know if they also go to school?

  2. It is fascinating to see and hear what other countries are doing. Our children,in some instances, are truly blessed.
