Saturday, January 14, 2012

Sharing Web Resources

I currently subscribe to the Western Kentucky Child Care Resource and Referral. Their link is The focus of this organization is to inform parents about finding child care and what to look for when researching centers.  They also have links for upcoming trainings for anyone interested, primarily educators. I like this organization for multiple reasons, one of which are the links they provide. There are links for other related groups such as Zero to Three, National Association for the Education of Young Children, and Prevent Child Abuse Kentucky. Sherri Meyer, my instructor or my CDA, is also one of the founders of this organization. She and several others, including Dr. Amy Hood-Hooten periodically update the site with current topics or articles they have written. One such article about bath safety written by Dr. Hood-Hooten.  

I have used this website for several class assignments because it is current, up-to-date and easy to navigate. 


  1. This is a great resource for busy parents who want quality childcare. Michigan also has a fairly new website for finding childcare.

  2. This is an awesome tool for parents. I think one of the biggest fear of parents is child care when no families are able to take care of their child. Counting with a resource like this with references and referrals is awesome an a peace of mind for parents :)

  3. Hi Kimberly,
    I took a look at the website and I do agree that it is very easy to navigate and provides a lot of relevant information for parents. Its good to know that parents are not left out in the cold and there is information available if they just look and ask.
