Saturday, February 18, 2012

Alternative assignment

I have learned a lot from the UNESCO website. For instance, there are 52 field offices worldwide including Paris, France. One thing I discovered through this website is that 10.5 million children under the age of 5 die from preventable diseases every year in the the developing world. That is something we do not think about since we live in a country in which medical services are readily available to us and most importantly, our children, regardless of our circumstances or ability to pay.  With more education and resources, the 10.5 million children that are lost yearly could be cut down drastically.  It should be our mission to educate everyone so that losses like these do not happen as often. For instance, HIV is one of the number one killers of Africa's residents.  Although there is no cure for it, it can be prevented if, people are made aware of how it is transmitted.  Education plays a major role in every country but the lack of it is evident with some of the issues faced in those countries.

The following are the most important statements to me:

In a world of 7 billion people, UNESCO believes that everyone has the right to education. That's why it promotes a holistic view of lifelong learning that includes early education, primary, secondary, and higher eucation, work skills for youth and adults and literacy- a fundamental right and the foundation for lifelong learning and education for women and girls.

UNESCO considers education to be the best insurance against poverty. It stresses the important of educatin for sustainable human development and supports countries to improve access and quality and to redress inequalities in their education systems.

UNESCO champions the efforts of 75 million teachers to provide quality education, and advocates for the training and recruitment of an additional 2 million teachers to achieve Education for all by 2015.

UNESCO believes that education remains the best vaccine against HIV. As the lead agency in EDUCAIDS, the Organization supports education programs on HIV to provide accurate and reliable information about how people can prevent HIV, about treatment, and caring for people living with HIV.


UNESCO’s “Early Childhood Care and Education”  retrieved from  (

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