Saturday, February 11, 2012

Sharing Web Resources

I recently discovered a website,,  dedicated to teachers and mothers of young children age 0 to 8 years old. This website has links for classroom ideas as well as teacher and professional resources such as state licensing requirements.  One of the links on the website that I decided to explore further was the Earlychildhood NEWS link.  Once I clicked on the link, I found some amazing information like activities and curriculum for infants. It is so hard to think of activities and projects for infants and since that the age I am currently working with, I want to do all I can to educate them properly.  I believe this website does add to the excellence in the early childhood field. It gives information about making the classroom better as well as helpful information for parents.

1 comment:

  1. This website sounds like a great resource not only for educators but also for parents. I would love to share this with my families. Thanks for sharing.
