Saturday, February 25, 2012

Final Blog

I have learned a lot the early childhood field and international childhood, in particular.  One thing that has stuck out to me is the fact that families from other countries need to know where to find information about early childhood education and child care. We need to take the time to educate these families so that they will be able to make and intelligent decision about where to send their children for a quality education. I have also learned early childhood education is more of a focus in some other areas. In the US early childhood education is just now becoming a priority. Last but not least, I realize more that education is not only about the children, but the family as well. Educating the family about health and welfare is just as important as assisting them in finding quality childcare.

ONe goal for the field related to international awareness of issues and trends and the spirit of collegial relations is to learn all that I can about international early childhood education.  I want to learn all that I can so that I may incorporate some of my findings into my own classroom.  I also want to make my classroom more diverse so that my children will at least have some knowledge of those they may not come into contact with.


  1. I admire your resolve to learn from other countries and incorporate what you have learned into your classroom. There is so much to explore!

    Best of luck in your future courses and in your goals.

  2. As you I believe that with this weekly blogs and the opportunity to research international resources made us growth as professionals. I also believe that we are more aware of the needs of children and their families from all cultures. Good Luck :)
