Saturday, February 9, 2013

Nonviolent Communication and Conflict Management

I am currently dealing with a disgruntled parent. It seems like everything I do for her child is not up to her standards.  Instead of communicating her issues with me, she emails the managers. This irritates me beyond measures.  If you have an issue with me or the way I run my classroom, bring it to me so that we can come to an understanding. Going to the managers is actually pointless since they are not in my classroom 24/7.  

One way that I have tried to fix this situation is by attempting to talk to her when she arrives. Although she says I do not communicate with her, I do try but it seems that no matter what I say, no matter how much or how little I say, she finds something wrong with it. 

Another solution I have tried is using written communication. I think it is easier to communicate with her through writing because then I have a record of what I have said. This ultimately gives me the upper hand because then she can not lie or change what has been said.

I also tried using here emails to the managers to my advantage. When ever she has an issue with me, I have them email her back. This also helps me because then the managers have all the information about every situation I face with this parent. 

What would you all suggest as a way of peacefully handling a parent who seems to have nothing but negative comments about everything that happens in my classroom? It honestly makes me want avoid her child because I know that no matter what I say or do, she will find some kind of issue with it.    

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! I think the best thing for you is to continue using a third party to deal with this parent. We know that when a child doesn't respond to us we try using someone else in order to get them to respond. I think it is the best thing for adults as well. Sometimes we just can't get along with everyone. I know it seems impossible but not taking it personally will help as well.

    Good luck!
    Cortnee :)
