Saturday, October 26, 2013

When I Reflect About My Collegial, Professional Learning Community

Three consequences of my experience being part of a caring, collaborative learning community for my professional growth and development would be the knowledge I have gained about headstart and early childhood systems. I did not realize that there wasn't a universal system in place. I also realize more and more that being a student is easier when you have like minded people in your circle. I may not know my classmates personally but knowing that they are all on the same track I am on professionally helps me to connect with them.  Last but not least, I know that if I need advice or have questions, I can reach out to my classmates because they understand what I am going through professionally and with my education.

One goal for using this collegial experience my advocacy, policy, and/or system development work on behalf of young children, families, and the early childhood community would be to learn how to use my resources to become a better advocate.  I need to realize that there are people and other resources available to assist me with advocating for the children and families I work with.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

My Hypothetical Family Situation

I am a single mother of a two year old and I am currently pregnant with my second child. My two year old daughter has down-syndrome and it is sometimes hard for me to afford her medications. I work five days per week and am also a full-time student.  We are barely over the poverty level but I am making it work some how. I don’t want to have government assistance but it is the only way I can get by and be able to provide for me and my family.  

I never thought I would be a single mother or would have to struggle like this. I married the love of my life when I was 21 and the day after our daughter’s second birthday, he was tragically killed on his way home from work. Three weeks later, I found out I was pregnant again.  Once he died and the household was down to just my income, I could no longer afford to keep up with the bills so, we moved in with my mother and father.  Once I complete my Bachelor’s degree, I know I will be able to find a higher paying job so that I can get my own home again and support my children on my own. 

Questions for my classmates:
Am I missing any important details needed for the successful completion of this assignment?
What websites would you recommend I use to help me complete this assignment?
Does anyone have any thoughts, based on my specific family situation, that will affect the childhood system I am creating?

Saturday, October 5, 2013

The Political Will to Improve Early Childhood Systems

  • One strategy I have discovered as I have worked on the assignments in this course that is currently being used by advocates and organizations that influence the political will toward improving early childhood systems in order to foster the well-being of young children and their families would be the use of media including internet, television, radio, and print. Using different media types helps put issues and concerns out there so they can not be ignored. It's hard to ignore issues when they are constantly being shown to you or brought to your attention.

  • What appeals to me the most is the fact that the work I'ld be doing would be helping young children and families. I think sometimes the needs of those involved in the early childhood field get pushed aside so it is important that someone stand up for their needs.