Saturday, October 5, 2013

The Political Will to Improve Early Childhood Systems

  • One strategy I have discovered as I have worked on the assignments in this course that is currently being used by advocates and organizations that influence the political will toward improving early childhood systems in order to foster the well-being of young children and their families would be the use of media including internet, television, radio, and print. Using different media types helps put issues and concerns out there so they can not be ignored. It's hard to ignore issues when they are constantly being shown to you or brought to your attention.

  • What appeals to me the most is the fact that the work I'ld be doing would be helping young children and families. I think sometimes the needs of those involved in the early childhood field get pushed aside so it is important that someone stand up for their needs.


  1. The television media, newspaper are wonderful ways to reach out to families. Almost everyone has access to the internet and it is probably the best way for people to find information. I also feel one of the best access families have to finding information is to post them in their neighborhood, for instance in the local shopping center like a supermarket.

  2. I agree that educators must act as advocates for children. Educators have an understanding of what children need in early childhood education. As a result, educators can work with political groups to lobby for programs and funding.

  3. I think you are right that we should use the resources that can reach the most people. We all know we are so tuned into our media sources, it would be hard to ignore messages coming through those! We have to be able to reach people where they are in order to effect the most change!

  4. I was looking for you week 6 post on the family system.
