Thursday, June 26, 2014

Time Well Spent

As I come to the end of this journey, I realize that I have learned a lot throughout the program. I have learned more about advocating, not just on a local level but on a national level as well. There are things I can do right now to help children and families. It can be something as simple as making a donation to a charity or organization that caters to the needs of children or by volunteering time. I have also thought about the kind of leader I am and what kind I really want to be. I know that I need to voice my thoughts and opinions more and to allow others to do the same but at this point, that is a work in progress. By nature, I am a loner. I thought that I worked better alone but I realize that in order to be an inspirational advocator, I have to learn to work better with others. Last, but not least, I need to apply myself more. I know that I am in a field that is mentally, physically, and emotionally demanding. It is up to me to find a way to balance my personal and professional life so that I can better serve my students and their families. As many of you should understand, it is sometimes difficult NOT to take your personal issues into the classroom. I'm working on being a better "me" so that I can be a better teacher and advocate...please keep me in your prayers.

At this point, I think that my short term goal is to find a job that is actually related to degree. My long term goal, however, is to find a way to advocate for children in my city. I want to do something meaningful that will not only impact my city but the state as well. I know that if I put my mind to it, I can and will be able to achieve any goal I set my mind to. 

A final farewell:
Thank you all for your words of encouragement and feedback throughout this journey. Although we've never met face-to-face, you've all become a very important part of my life. You've helped me become a better teacher, student, and advocate. It's nice to know that I was not on this roller coaster ride alone. 

I pray that each of you find the success that you have worked so hard to achieve and the happiness that you deserve.  Although this ride is over, remember that we never stop learning until the day we die so continue soaking up every ounce of knowledge you can!!!

“A teacher affects eternity; he can never tell where his influence stops.”
- Henry Adams
“Teaching kids to count is fine, but teaching them what counts is best.”
- Bob Talber
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
- Nelson Mandela
“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.”
- Dr. Seuss

“If a child cannot learn in the way we teach, we must teach in a way the child can learn.”
- Unknown 

“Children are likely to live up to what you believe of them.”
- Lady Bird Johnson

Friday, June 13, 2014

Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community: Internationally

There are many organizations that have caught my attention including UNICEF, Save the Children, and the Academy for Educational Development.  I, like many others, focus on issues and efforts that are going on my my state or at least in the United States.  

One job offered by UNICEF is the Chief Child Protection. This position supports the Deputy Representative of UNICEF Cambodia.  The incumbent will be leading the Child Protection section and is responsible for policy advocacy and overall planning, monitoring, coordination and management of the Child Protection program.

 Save the Children gives children in the United States and around the world what every child deserves – a healthy start, the opportunity to learn and protection from harm, especially when disaster strikes. We advocate and achieve lasting change for millions of children (save the children).  I can't help but to be interested in organizations that focus on children. Save the Children has programs all over the world that focus on education, literacy, disaster response, many other programs. My dream job with this organization would be as a program coordinator. Some of the qualifications would be knowledge of the country and their needs, willingness to travel, ability to work in less than ideal conditions such as extreme heat.

Last but not least,  FHI 360 has a mission to improve lives in lasting ways by advancing integrated, locally driven solutions for human development. This organization envisions a world in which all individuals and communities have the opportunity to reach their highest potential. FHI 360 interests me because they not only want to impact communities for a day or a moment but want to show them ways to change their lives forever.

 Any organization or community of practice who focuses on children or improving lives is worth wild. I know that I need to become more involved in my community and to advocate more for children. No one single organization can change the world. It takes all of us to make a change.


Website: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF). (n.d.). Retrieved November 28, 2011, from

Website: Save the Children. (2011). Retrieved from

 Website: Academy for Educational Development. (2011). Retrieved from

Friday, May 30, 2014

Jobs/Roles in the ECE Community:National/Federal Level

Three national organizations or communities of practice that appeal to me are the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC), National Association of Early Childhood Teachers and Educators (NAECTE), and the National Child Care Association ( I chose these organizations because they all apply to me and my position as an educator. Each of these sites offer information for parents and families as well as membership for those interested. I really want to finally become a member of NAEYC but paying the membership fees is an issue right now.

Some job opportunities that interest me would be social work, child advocate, and director of a childcare facility. Each of these positions require degrees in the respected field. They also require patience, knowledge of the field and good communication skills. 


National Association for the Education of Young Children. Retrieved from

National Association of Early Childhood Teacher and Educators. Retrieved from

National Child Care Association. Retrieved from

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Exploring Roles in the ECE Community: Local and State Levels

Three local or state organizations or communities of practice that appeal to me are; Community Action of Southern Kentucky offers many programs that help better the community such as foster grandparents, senior center, migrant programs, HeadStart, ChildCare, Family enrichment, and family assistance programs. 

The boys and girls club is another organization that appeals to me because they help children get scholarships, gives them a safe place to play, to learn, to do homework and to stay while parents work.

Last, the Junior Achievement appeals to me because I went through the program in elementary school. It gives students a chance to understand all aspects of the business world. I loved it because I wanted to open a business and it gave me the opportunity to learn more about what it would take to be an entrepreneur.

Some job opportunities that appeal to me would be to become a director of a daycare, work at a nursing home or open my own business. I'm not quite sure anymore what kind of business I want to open but I know that I would love to be my own boss and to set my own hours.

Some skills I would need would be knowledge of owning a business and practice as a manager, director, ect. I would also need patience, and passion to do each of these jobs. 

Saturday, October 26, 2013

When I Reflect About My Collegial, Professional Learning Community

Three consequences of my experience being part of a caring, collaborative learning community for my professional growth and development would be the knowledge I have gained about headstart and early childhood systems. I did not realize that there wasn't a universal system in place. I also realize more and more that being a student is easier when you have like minded people in your circle. I may not know my classmates personally but knowing that they are all on the same track I am on professionally helps me to connect with them.  Last but not least, I know that if I need advice or have questions, I can reach out to my classmates because they understand what I am going through professionally and with my education.

One goal for using this collegial experience my advocacy, policy, and/or system development work on behalf of young children, families, and the early childhood community would be to learn how to use my resources to become a better advocate.  I need to realize that there are people and other resources available to assist me with advocating for the children and families I work with.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

My Hypothetical Family Situation

I am a single mother of a two year old and I am currently pregnant with my second child. My two year old daughter has down-syndrome and it is sometimes hard for me to afford her medications. I work five days per week and am also a full-time student.  We are barely over the poverty level but I am making it work some how. I don’t want to have government assistance but it is the only way I can get by and be able to provide for me and my family.  

I never thought I would be a single mother or would have to struggle like this. I married the love of my life when I was 21 and the day after our daughter’s second birthday, he was tragically killed on his way home from work. Three weeks later, I found out I was pregnant again.  Once he died and the household was down to just my income, I could no longer afford to keep up with the bills so, we moved in with my mother and father.  Once I complete my Bachelor’s degree, I know I will be able to find a higher paying job so that I can get my own home again and support my children on my own. 

Questions for my classmates:
Am I missing any important details needed for the successful completion of this assignment?
What websites would you recommend I use to help me complete this assignment?
Does anyone have any thoughts, based on my specific family situation, that will affect the childhood system I am creating?

Saturday, October 5, 2013

The Political Will to Improve Early Childhood Systems

  • One strategy I have discovered as I have worked on the assignments in this course that is currently being used by advocates and organizations that influence the political will toward improving early childhood systems in order to foster the well-being of young children and their families would be the use of media including internet, television, radio, and print. Using different media types helps put issues and concerns out there so they can not be ignored. It's hard to ignore issues when they are constantly being shown to you or brought to your attention.

  • What appeals to me the most is the fact that the work I'ld be doing would be helping young children and families. I think sometimes the needs of those involved in the early childhood field get pushed aside so it is important that someone stand up for their needs.