Sunday, September 30, 2012

Practicing Awareness of Microaggressions

I detected racial microaggression this week. I over heard someone tell a baby that she was cute to be as dark as she was. The first thing I said was, "why did you say that"? Of course she did not think she did anything wrong but I explained to her that she basically told that child that darker skinned children are not as beautiful as white and light skinned children.  It bothered me to hear someone say something like this because I have experienced racial microaggression most of my life and I don't want anyone else, especially not a child, to go through this.

I realize more and more that discrimination, prejudice, and stereotypes on people still exist.  It made me want to be more aware of my surroundings and what is being said along with what I said. I am just as guilty as many other people when it comes to having stereotypes. I don't think I discriminate against anyone but I will focus more of my attention towards being a better more self-aware individual.

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