Sunday, June 9, 2013

Avocacy Messages

Autism Speaks:
Toni Braxton: Odds of having 3 multi-platinum albums  1/1,650,000
                      Odds of having a child diagnosed with autism 1/88 

Using celebrities causes people to pay attention to the message they are delivering. It cause them to want to learn more and to take action

Fatherhood Involvement:
Take time to be a dad today.

Messages that are short and to the point stick in people's heads and then they choose to take action whether conscientiously or subconsciously.

Bullying Prevention:
Teach your kids how to stop bullying and be more than a bystander.


  1. Kinmberly,
    I agree that messages should be short and to the point so that they are easy to remember. How do you think you would be able to support these messages in your own work?

    I think it is very important to support these messages. I believe that even through small ways such as repeating the messages we have stuck in our head, like the ones you stated here can be easy enough to keep the messages spreading to others and briog more awareness.

  2. Kimberly,

    I too, liked the way that Toni Braxton used her star power to shed light on an issue that affects so many children and families. Also she even talks about autism frequently on her show. I like how she uses her various platforms to influence others to pay attention to this noteworthy cause.
