Sunday, June 23, 2013

Profile of a Volunteer

 The volunteer I have elected to profile would be my great grandfather. Before he passed away, he volunteered in church and at many community events. His presence was truly amazing and he has always been my hero.  He mentored many young kids over the years and gave them the love and guidance that they were not receiving from others.  He gave selflessly of himself every day.  Even when he was in pain or down on his luck, he took the time to help others. Without him, I feel as though a lot of young people's lives would have been completely different. He helped many see that they were valued and loved and that through Christ, nothing was impossible.

A vital "take-away" message relative to this work in terms of my own volunteer efforts and advocacy work in fostering the well-being of children and families is to always have a positive attitude and do it because you want to and not because you have to.

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