Sunday, June 16, 2013

Using Social Media to Get Connected

Currently the only social media that I use is Facebook.  I use it to keep in contact with friends and family that I do not get to talk to often.  I feel like Facebook is a great media tool that lends itself to effective advocacy because it reaches millions of people at one time. It also makes it possible to reach people all over the world, if used properly.  I could post positive messages and concerns as a way to educate and inspire others in my advocacy work. I know that many people view my page and it is my responsibility to make sure that everything that is read on my page is positive and educational or at least not negative.

What do you feel is the best social media site to use to advocate for children and families?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kimberly,

    Facebook was a method that I chose as well, because it is a great way to spread the word about an advocacy cause. With the neat little share option, many people can be reach with the click of the mouse. I know social media can be dangerous, but it also can be used for good as well.
